How Video Marketing Personalizes Your Business

Customers are highly connected digitally, so innovations in marketing strategies are necessary to keep up with them. Marketing automation platforms are widely used, and real-time analytics help you optimize your engagement with each buyer.

Traditional advertising has evolved into a world of content marketing, and personalized messages are replacing one-size-fits-all campaigns of yesterday. With this shift in marketing, video has emerged as the medium of choice for many marketing strategies. It is especially a great tool for small businesses to use. You don’t even need fancy equipment – just your personality and a decent camera or phone. Video marketing can be successfully implemented in both B2C and B2B markets.

Part of the draw of video marketing is the ease of which videos can be shared on social media. In April of 2015, over 4 billion videos were being played back each day on Facebook alone. By September, the number doubled to a whopping 8 billion views per day, and the numbers continue to rise. The experts at Cisco predict that video content streaming will increase to 80% of all internet traffic by 2019, compared to the 64% it was in 2014. Market research consistently reports that video converts better than other content types, too.

When you think of digital video, what comes to mind? Is it viral content on YouTube, video ads on Facebook, or fancy homepage videos that brands use to tell their story? While this is how video was commonly used in the past, it has expanded to envelop the entire customer journey. Successful video marketing helps build better relationships, educate and convert buyers, and improve customer satisfaction. People are drawn to things that are specifically customized for them, which is why personalized tactics are so effective.

, How Video Marketing Personalizes Your Business, Business Marketing Engine

Different Types of Video Content to Use

If the thought of sitting in front of a camera and talking to your audience overwhelms you, keep in mind that there are a variety of ways to utilize video marketing to personalize your business that doesn’t require you to do that. Things like customer testimonials and product demos all make for compelling video content that can be used throughout your entire marketing funnel.

In a recent report by Ascend2, companies that are seeing success with video marketing ranked the effectiveness in the following order, starting with the most effective:

– Customer testimonials

– Product demonstrations

– Explainer and tutorials

– Thought leader interviews

– Video blogs

Potential for Real-Time Personalization

If you run email marketing, you probably make sure your emails are personalized by adding the recipient’s first name to the message. Thanks to real-time personalization technologies (RTP), there are countless ways to tailor the marketing experience to individuals. A new concept in this technology is personalized video, and it is on the rise for 2016. Imagine having the ability to seamlessly integrate a first name or company name into a video inviting others to try your new product or service.

In 2015, personalized video campaigns generated from 200%-1500% increases in click-through and conversion rates, so as it becomes a technology more available to everyone, it’s worth trying your hand at.

Makes Your Website Like a Brick and Mortar Store

Use videos to guide website visitors to different sections of your website. The experience becomes very similar to visiting an actual store. Bonus points if you show your face during the video since being able to put a face to a company makes potential customers more comfortable doing business with you.

Video is More Persuasive

The human brain isn’t all logic and reason. It requires emotional input to make decisions, and video marketing is an excellent way to convey emotion. Your audience will pick up on cues like body language, facial expressions, imagery, music, and voice fluctuation. All of these cues create an emotional bond with your audience that can influence their actions. In fact, 80% of people say they are more likely to purchase a product after watching a video about it.

Video Builds Trust and Credibility

While you might have headshots on your website so people can see your smiling face, nothing connects us on a human level as much as actual interaction. Video enables you to reinforce your message to your viewers with eye contact, intonation, and phrasing that makes your intent clear. When people can see you and hear you, they feel like they have more of a relationship with you and are more likely to trust you with their business.

If you haven’t taken the plunge into video marketing, now is the time to do it. Your audience will feel connected to you and your business in a way that text alone doesn’t allow, and this personalization of your message is an excellent way to gain new customers and increase revenue. Facebook is a great place to share your video marketing. If you need help, check out our Facebook marketing webinar to increase your profitability on Facebook by clicking here.

, How Video Marketing Personalizes Your Business, Business Marketing Engine

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