The BME Blog
Your destination for expert marketing, technology and leadership education.
Implementing Change Management Strategies in Your Business
In today’s dynamic world of business, change isn’t simply inevitable; it’s a constant. However, we can reduce potential negative impacts with a little foresight and planning. By creating effective change…
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Set the Stage – Why Your Subject Line Can Make or Break Your Emails
The central focus of an email marketing campaign can cover topics such as product development, organizational changes, new…
Putting Together the Perfect Post
As a writer, you have a responsibility to provide your readers’ with facts, undeniable and interesting content. The…
The 3-Day Plan to Better Content Creation
Content marketing is your ticket to increasing your brand awareness, interacting with your target market audience and extending…
How to Overhaul Your Content Marketing in 5 Days
Content marketing is a strategic part of your business operations. It is the central focal point of your…
Live Your Dream Now and Achieve Incredible Abundance!
One of the hardest things for us to conquer can sometimes be our own mindset. I know that…
How to Create Social Media Images Using Canva
In this short how to video I will show you how I use a free tool called Canva…
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What Your Toddler Can Teach You About Affiliate Partners
Consider why you should study your toddler to learn about what to look for and cultivate in affiliate…
12 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Marketing
Not a passing trend, digital marketing reaches current audiences and shows vitality into the future for businesses. After…
The Top Ten Checklist for Hiring a Copywriter
What do you look for in that important decision of hiring a copywriter to present your words to…
Improve Your Investment with These 5 New Marketing Apps
Investing in content creation for your business is a smart move, and you already know how valuable fresh…
10 Best Blogging Tools for 2016
Getting started with a blog can be a fairly daunting experience. Not only do you need to start…
Getting to Know You: What Your Customers Want to Learn
You often hear the phrase “relationship marketing” bandied about, but what exactly does that mean? Relationship marketing is…
3 Things You Can Do Now to Widen Your Facebook Reach
Earning dollars means earning followers. Social media proves to be a powerful tool in marketing your business. And,…
The Future of Mobile Advertising
Advertising is a marketing practice that places your promotional messages in front of a target market audience. It…
Your Blog Is All Around You — How to Find Topics That Your Customers Want to Read
Blogging is fun! It’s a great way to be creative and to educate people on a wide variety…
Podcast Pitches: Breaking Into Podcast
If you are a business owner and have not investigated podcasts as a new way to market and…
What Should You Look For When Hiring a Copywriter
If you are looking into hiring copywriters, there are a few things you need to keep in mind….
One Week to Get On the Web – Create Your Website in 7 Days or Less
If you want to create a website in only a week’s time, we have a list of the…
The Future of Mobile Advertising
Advertising is a marketing practice that places your promotional messages in front of a target market audience. It…
Your Blog Is All Around You — How to Find Topics That Your Customers Want to Read
Blogging is fun! It’s a great way to be creative and to educate people on a wide variety…
Podcast Pitches: Breaking Into Podcast
If you are a business owner and have not investigated podcasts as a new way to market and…
What Should You Look For When Hiring a Copywriter
If you are looking into hiring copywriters, there are a few things you need to keep in mind….
One Week to Get On the Web – Create Your Website in 7 Days or Less
If you want to create a website in only a week’s time, we have a list of the…
Why You Should Sponsor Your Social Media Posts
In the Information Age, social media has become the new top marketing platform for businesses. Whether big or…