Improve Your Investment with These 5 New Marketing Apps

Investing in content creation for your business is a smart move, and you already know how valuable fresh content is to the success of your bottom line. Putting quality content on your blog and website is just one aspect of a successful online content strategy. With the help of some awesome new marketing apps, you can distribute, share and monitor content in a wide variety of ways.

These five apps allow you to plan and control your marketing message with easy-to-use multimedia management tools.

1. Pixxfly

, Improve Your Investment with These 5 New Marketing Apps, Business Marketing Engine

This versatile app lets you upload any type of content, including infographics and videos, and easily distribute it to numerous social media networks. The system solves the problem of not having enough time to sit there posting ongoing social media messages. With a Pixxfly account, you can create messages in the morning or evening, and then schedule them to automatically go out at different times of the day.

Choose from several templates that make your messages look polished and professional. You can actually test templates to find the ones that readers respond to best. Once you have that information, you can save your best performing templates. This is a great system to use for distributing press releases to newspapers, online news databases, journalists and various influencers. There is also an RSS feed component for fast syndication of articles and blog posts.

The analytics feature is excellent. A screen display shows you all sorts of data using simple to understand charts and graphs. All of this data can be quickly converted into a professional style PDF report for downloading.

2. Tint

, Improve Your Investment with These 5 New Marketing Apps, Business Marketing Engine

Everybody’s got at least one great story to tell and that includes people who visit your online sites and social media pages. User generated content is one of the best things in the world for businesses, and some people can’t resist sharing bits and pieces of their life with anyone paying attention. Until recently, most user generated content was just a lucky happenstance, sitting stagnant on a blog or social media page.

Tint is changing all of that. Anyone who attends one of your events can now experience their 15 minutes of social media fame. This app integrates with websites and creates a “living images” board that is constantly updating with user generated images. For instance, event attendees can instantly share a quick selfie by snapping photos and sharing them via a designated hashtag. These images can be displayed on small and large video screens, which gives you lots of sharing versatility.

What makes Tint great is that it’s a lot of fun for event participants and those watching all of the action unfold. The app interface is easy to use, but there is support available when needed.

3. Buzzsumo

, Improve Your Investment with These 5 New Marketing Apps, Business Marketing Engine

Staying on top of the latest trends and news in your industry can be difficult. Normally, you must spend precious time weeding through blogs, websites, social media sites, news sites and search results looking for those golden nuggets of high interest. If you’re tired of this routine, Buzzsumo can save you a whole bunch of time and effort.

Buzzsumo searches the internet for you, quickly finding relevant buzzworthy content for you to read. You set up the search parameters using keywords, three types of alerts and filters. Use it to track and follow industry influencers. It’s also a handy tool for planning new content for your sites. You’ll have the advantage of knowing what content is most popular, plus, you can brainstorm ideas for blog posts, articles, infographics, videos and social media messages.

4. Mention

, Improve Your Investment with These 5 New Marketing Apps, Business Marketing Engine

Somewhere out there in the vast corners of the online world, someone is talking about you, your brand, or one of your competitors. There are literally millions of conversations going on, and in order to find conversations mentioning your company, you need a tool that can cut through a ton of chatter. An app called Mention is just the thing you need for this daunting task.

Mention allows you to zero in on those conversations that are most relevant to your brand. Find customer conversations and silently monitor what’s being said, or join the conversation to engage with customers. You can use Mention to spy on competitors and find out what people are saying about their products. When something negative happens with your brand, you can quickly respond on social media, before things get out of hand. Additionally, you can analyze any marketing campaign from the user-friendly dashboard.

5. Cyfe

, Improve Your Investment with These 5 New Marketing Apps, Business Marketing Engine

Keeping track of all of your various social media accounts, email campaigns and content can be a real hassle unless you find a way to organize everything. That’s what Cyfe does. It efficiently keeps track of every website, blog and marketing channel so you can monitor all of it from a single system. You can track how many Twitter followers you have, check out Facebook demographics and find out who is talking about your brand.

Set it up to track any type of sign up or subscription and get real-time information that lets you know how well certain marketing promotions are working. In addition to content marketing, Cyfe is useful for monitoring sales goals, SEO rankings, finances and project management tasks.

Looking for great content creation, well look no further! Here at Business Marketing Engine, content is king! Contact us today and see how we can start to create relevant, fresh content for your company.