Learn How Video Marketing Strengthens Customer Attention

There is no doubt that video marketing strengthens customer attention. The majority of the U.S. population responds to visual learning more than any other form of processing information. In fact, 65% of Americans are classified visual learners, and the other 35% while they are not considered visual learners, are still drawn to images. Sending a visual message to a targeted audience can have a significant impact on how much attention you draw to your brand. High-quality visual imagery is the best way to get customer attention and get your brand’s message seen and heard in an efficient way. There is great power in content marketing and it’s mainly due to the quick and operative way your content speaks to people.

video marketing, Learn How Video Marketing Strengthens Customer Attention, Business Marketing Engine

A great rule of thumb when you’re strategizing and planning a marketing campaign is first to start by thinking like your target consumer. How do you respond to visual imagery when browsing online? What captures your attention first when you’re scrolling through social media feeds?

Considering our shared tendency for images and the fast rate in which we process images, it should come as no surprise that videos increase the percentage of unique visitors by a remarkable 200 to 300 percent each month.

Let’s dig a little deeper into how video marketing strengthens customer attention.

Storytelling Through Video

When you tell your story through video, you’re communicating your message from the perspective of your potential customer rather than your own. That means you should focus on broadcasting the benefits, instead of the features of your products or service. How will your product or service excite your audience? Storytelling is not based on you sharing what you’re excited about as a marketer; it’s about telling your viewers how your brand can impact their lives.

A powerful narrative will always drive attention to your content so when you create a video to tell your story, keep in mind that this is an opportunity to impact your target consumer. Tell your story in a way that will immediately spark interest by keeping your message short, exciting, and easy on the eyes. The quality of your audio and visuals should be top-notch every time you use video in your marketing efforts.

Engaging Your Audience With Video

Videos are not just seen they’re also heard which is why the quality of the audio component should be clear and audible. Sound is just another opportunity to enhance your overall impact so make sure it fits your viewer’s mood. Audio branding provides an understanding and consistency to your message so what your audience hears when they engage with your content should always be distinctive and recognizable just like your brand. Help them link an association to your brand and their needs through high-quality video. This strategy will help you build a relationship with your audience that will allow them to trust the value of your brand.

Power of Video Content

The internet is cluttered, and the competition is high, so it’s vital that your content is not only high-quality but that it also stands out. Visual content is faster and easier for people to process, but more importantly, it will generate more clicks, views, and conversions.

Video content has become the highlight in the evolution of social media marketing and is used daily to promote brands online every minute of the day.  Facebook has to continually change their News Feed to enhance the way videos and images are displayed. Pinterest is the fourth most visited social media channel, and Twitter has now pulled videos and pictures right into its timeline. That’s why they recently updated the layout for profile pages to allow larger header and profile pictures. As the major social media channels adjust to accommodate the power of video content, so should you.

Nurturing Leads Through Video

Now that we’ve learned that people are more responsive to video, it should be clear why they spend more time on landing pages that contain video than any other medium. That being said, product pages with videos have a higher conversion rate. Understanding your customer’s behavior is the key to nurturing leads through video.  A study conducted by Google demonstrated that:

  • People will first perform searches on search engines before purchasing products.
  • Secondly, people first visit a brand’s website to get more information about them before calling to speak to a representative.

Knowing that your target customer first visits your pages online before completing a purchase means that it’s up to you to use the highest attention-capturing method to convert your viewer from a lead to a customer. Video marketing is helping your prospects retain more information than text content which means that video is the best way to increase purchase intention.

If you’re having trouble getting results from all of your content marketing efforts and would like to generate a stream of targeted traffic, then let us guide you through the power of content marketing.

video marketing, Learn How Video Marketing Strengthens Customer Attention, Business Marketing Engine