3 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Team

, 3 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Team, Business Marketing Engine

Business Marketing Engine is a leader in providing marketing services to businesses of all sizes. We have a combined 50 years of experience, offer 21 custom solutions, and provide original content and strategies to help businesses grow. One of our solutions is promoting our clients’ products and services on social media platforms and through email. Brands succeed when they are visible on social media, and they gain that visibility through sharing and word-of-mouth promotion. That’s where you come in! We are looking for qualified people to join Business Marketing Engine’s promotion team. You’ll utilize your social media profiles and reach and your promotional skills and experience to help our clients take their business to the next level.

We like to make sure our team members benefit while working with us. We offer competitive freelance rates, so you earn the money you deserve, and you can do it all from the comfort of your home. Read on to find out three excellent reasons why you should join our team.

Work From Home Whenever You Want

Working on the promotion team for Business Marketing Engine allows you to set your schedule and work from home whenever you want. We love that we can hire top talent with no geographical limits and provide a great working environment. When you think of working from home, you probably think of working in comfortable clothes, leisurely drinking your morning coffee, and avoiding the crazy commute to your office. While these are all benefits, let’s look at some of the benefits of working from home that doesn’t get as much attention:

– You’ll enjoy an illness-free environment. Have you ever been sitting at your desk and you can hear the coughing and sneezing going on around you? You know it’s just a matter of time before the bug reaches you and you’re stuck with the same sickness. When you work from home, you don’t have to worry about germ-infested doorknobs or when “something is going around.”

– Do you have a coworker who you try to avoid at all costs, or do you cringe whenever you see your boss approaching your desk? When you work from home, you don’t have to worry about awkward conversations or worry about getting an assignment 20 minutes before you were going to clock out. With Business Marketing Engine, you’ll work for yourself. While you’ll receive assignments with due dates from us, you’ll still get to work on them on your own without interruption.

– You can indulge in any strange routines you might have while you work. In the privacy of your home, you can do jumping jacks and squats between every email. Or, maybe you need to repeat a mantra out loud to get your creative juices flowing. Whatever your routine is, you can do what you need to do to keep yourself motivated and on-task without any strange looks from coworkers. Additionally, if you’re a night owl, you don’t have to try to be productive at 8 a.m., and you can work the hours that work best for you.

– In an environmentally-conscious society, working from home allows you to do your part to protect the earth. By cutting out your commute, you’re also cutting back on air pollution. No commute also means a reduction in how much you spend on gas money and car maintenance, so it’s a win-win for your bank account and the environment.

You Determine Your Pay

At Business Marketing Engine, we pay you hourly freelance rates with contracted flat rate fees. While applying doesn’t guarantee a rate of pay and earnings aren’t guaranteed, your pay rate and earnings will be based on your individual performance. Currently, our promoters earn anywhere from $150 to $750 a week, so working for Business Marketing Engine is a great way to supplement income or transition to working solely from home.

Part of determining how much you make is your availability. If you have a week where you need some time off, are going on vacation, are sick, etc., we’re happy to accommodate your schedule and reduce your workload. Or, if you’re ready to take on more tasks, you’ll have the ability to make more money.

Get Paid for Doing What You Already Do

What exactly does Business Marketing Engine need you to do as a social media promoter? It is probably doing what you already do on a regular basis. You’ll utilize your social media profiles, both personal and professional, like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus, to promote our customers’ products and services.

Do you tweet, share, and post to social media in your sleep? Do you know how to grow an online community utilizing these tools? If so, you may already have the skills it takes to be a part of our social media promotion team. You’ll implement strategies and tactics to engage followers with our customers’ content, products, and services. If you have a good command of the best practices in social media marketing, and you understand how to build an audience, we could use you on your team. You should also be up-to-date with the current trends in social media marketing.

If you have creative skills that you feel are going unused, you could utilize them as part of the Business Marketing Engine’s social media promotion team. We need people who know how to create sharable posts that are content-appropriate for the specific platform to spread our customer’s brands and products. You may need to engage in relevant social discussions about the brand you are promoting, and distribute content that entertains and engages your audience while supporting our clients’ marketing goals. You can also explore new ways to engage and identify audience members.

Additionally, you’ll email bloggers and other public figures on the internet to promote our customers’ content. Industry influencers can help get our clients’ names out there, and we need your help to reach them. They could be anyone from authors, bloggers, consultants, or media figures. These are the type of people you will be emailing on behalf of our clients. Your work can help our clients gain exposure and increase revenue, all the while doing it from the comfort of your own home.

If you are proficient in a variety of social media platforms, and you have a wide reach on those platforms, you desire to use your creativity and promotional skills to benefit others, and you’re a great communicator who feels comfortable contacting industry leaders, we could use you on our promotion team. Business Marketing Engine provides a multitude of services for businesses of all sizes, and part of that is promoting them through social media. Our promotion team is a vital part of our client’s success. If you are interested in being part of our team, have questions about the position, or you’d like to apply, please click here. We look forward to hearing from you.

, 3 Reasons Why You Should Join Our Team, Business Marketing Engine

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