Increase Your Results Without Paying More for Business

Small and medium-sized businesses do not have limitless marketing budgets. Marketing options need to be thoughtfully considered and chosen to maximize ROI. Increasing your desired results does not have to be confusing or expensive. Whatever your goals are, there are free resources available to increase results, whether you have marketing experience or not.

Take Advantage of SEO

The most valuable traffic to your website comes through organic search. Users finding your page ranked at the top of Google searches associate your content with authority, trustworthiness and relevance. There are many benefits to integrating an SEO strategy into your web presence. Moreover, it does not have to cost a ton of money to take advantage.

SEO combines what the majority of users are searching for with the perceived relevance by the search engine. Highly relevant, well-ranked content will not be seen by users if they are not seeking it. Likewise, incredibly valuable, sought-after content will not be seen if it fails to impress the search engine.

Free online tools through Google Analytics, Moz and countless others reveal optimization opportunities and user information to target valuable consumers. Keyword tools are a great starting point for SEO, helping you build the content of your web pages. Use them to answer questions such as:

  • What keywords are popular among users in search queries?
  • What keywords have been effective for my competitors? Are there any apparent gaps I can fill?
  • What keywords are my target consumers likely to use?

From there, you can use other free online resources to fine-tune your marketing with more advanced SEO techniques.

Work With the Customers You Have

The majority of your business is driven by repeat customers. Maintaining those relationships is far more cost-effective than earning new ones. Using your CRM programs and marketing channels for follow up with customers is an inexpensive way to develop quality relationships. It will help you promote future business, too. For instance, email lists are useful for handpicking the exact audience you want and easily sharing relevant promotions and information.

Make Social Media Work for You 

Being active on social media is an excellent way to advertise your business and display your brand’s personality for free. More importantly, it creates an opportunity to engage with your customers and respond to their feedback quickly and directly. Lastly, consumers appreciate businesses that encourage open dialogues and view them as more trustworthy.

There are a number of marketing methods that increase results without being expensive. Follow our blog for more useful marketing tips or let us do the heavy lifting for you. Contact us today to see how Business Marketing Engine can maximize your marketing ROI and grow your business.