How Automating Your Emails Can Help You Establish Authority

If you’re wondering how email marketing can boost your business, know you’re not the only one who has asked that question. The list of benefits that comes from automating your email marketing campaign is a long one. Things like increased sales, relationship building, high return on investment, and more are all excellent benefits your business gets from email marketing. Another one of the benefits is that email marketing automation can help you establish authority with your potential clients and current customers.

Being an authority in your niche means that you’re not only a thought leader on your topic, but you’ve also taken the time to deliver your knowledge in a meaningful way to your audience. As a business leader, you’ve shared that knowledge in such a way that search engines see it, your prospects and customers recognize it, and it helps you generate customers and revenue.

Consumers prefer to do business with the companies that they trust. By putting yourself out there, giving your brand a personality, and taking the time to present industry information, updates, and opinions through your automated email marketing is how you can earn the trust of your potential customers. If you want your customers and potential clients to think of you as their go-to source for information about your field, email marketing is the perfect way to do it. Send your list of helpful articles, tips and tricks, and other knowledge that will help them trust you as a respected source for information. The key to being an authority in your field is to deliver information that is both accurate and timely for your customers. You can potentially reach thousands of people by creating an effective email marketing campaign.

If you don’t have an automated email campaign in place, or you need help with adjusting your strategy, contact Business Marketing Engine today.

email automation, How Automating Your Emails Can Help You Establish Authority, Business Marketing Engine

By using email marketing to show your list of contacts that you know your business inside and out, you can establish authority in your field. The best way to do that is to send creative emails that showcase your knowledge without bragging and to send emails that provide value to your customers. An additional benefit of an automated email marketing campaign full of value, besides establishing authority, is the virtual word of mouth you’ll receive. If a reader finds your email helpful, he may forward it on to his friend. There is a variety of strategies that you can work into your automated email marketing campaign that can establish your wealth of knowledge. Here are some of those options:

Provide Product Use Tips

Assist your customers in getting more out of your products by giving them helpful advice for using them. Things like maintenance tips or highlighted product features are all useful for your customer to know. For example, if you sell specialty workout gear, you can send emails to your customers that show them the best way to keep the gear clean and sanitized. Or, send a short email that links to a blog post with further highlights and benefits of your product.

Industry News and Updates

People purchasing products, or interested in purchasing, in niche fields usually are interested in what is going on within the field. Give your list of this information by highlighting news in the industry. If you’re in the health field, you can send the latest research on the dangers of a certain ingredient.

As an authority, you need to stay up to date with what is happening in your industry and establish yourself as the go-to resource for this information. Put on your journalist hat and do some research on the important changes taking place in your field. Convey to your audience what these changes mean to them, but only the relevant news. By filtering out the unnecessary and giving your contacts only the news that matters to them, you’ll become a trusted source that people come to when they need to learn about important information.

Use Understandable Language

While you want your customers and prospects to know you are knowledgeable in your field, you don’t want to do that by delivering confusing messages full of industry jargon. Your information needs to be understood by your readers to have an effect, so the key is clarity when it comes to sharing your knowledge. You greatly reduce the usefulness of your email marketing if your readers do not understand you.

Send a Newsletter

Newsletters contain a mix of valuable and informative content. Use them to share a brief snippet of all of the ideas listed above: tips, news, how-tos, and events.

One of the best, and most cost-effective, ways to establish yourself as an authority in your field is to utilize your automated email marketing campaign. Depending on the actions your contacts take, you can deliver them the information and tools they need when they need it. You’ll become the go-to resource in your field, which will help you increase your customer base and your revenue. If you need help setting up your email campaigns and creating an effective strategy, contact Business Marketing Engine today.

email automation, How Automating Your Emails Can Help You Establish Authority, Business Marketing Engine

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