TBL Episode 8: The Five Year Plan to Build a Successful Business

Learn how to build your career so you can work on your business, not in it. In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders Gabe picks up some actionable advice from Hayk Tadevosyan. As a self-made business leader Hayk understands firsthand how to structure a business for success.

Driven to Succeed

Hayk came from modest beginnings, but through determination and perseverance he built a successful business. Born in Armenia, Hayk immigrated to the United States as a teenager. During his early years in the U.S. Hayk learned about the value of hard work from his father. When he began to forge his own career path Hayk defied the odds and obstacles to transform his business ventures into a record setting success story.

Path to Success

Hayk’s success is built largely on his own profound determination and unwillingness to listen to doubters. Through examining his journey Hayk has outlined how to replicate his success in other business ventures using a five year plan.

Five Year Plan

Master your craft during the first two years. Learn everything there is to know and establish a solid work ethic. Set an example for your staff and show them your expectations through your own actions. When you are motivated and exhibit a strong work ethic your staff will pick up on this and emulate your actions and drive. Ultimately, as a business owner you need to build a team that is effective and efficient. With a solid team and work structure in place you can motivate your staff and take care of the business.

Ask for Help

Mentors are invaluable and can provide a wealth of information and guidance. Everyone has a different perspective, so taking the time to talk to mentors and gather their opinions can help you navigate your way.

Work-Life Balance

Building a strong business takes careful planning and lots of hard work, but the tradeoff of reaching this pinnacle is the improved quality of life. Financial security, time to spend with family and good friends and time to improve yourself as a person are all of the rewards from Hayk’s five year plan.

Learn More

Hayk has a book, Mind Control, coming out in the New Year. Reach out to Hayk regarding coaching opportunities via [email protected]. Catch the rest of the Today’s Business Leaders podcast to learn more tips and tricks centered on business; or learn about free courses or check out the solutions available from BME.

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