“Adding a VA to my team was a huge game-changer for me and my business, and I have experienced a tremendous shift personally and professionally.
My VA handles the behind-the-scenes daily operations of my business and plays a huge role in minimizing the pressure and noise I experience on a daily basis. Since adding my VA to my team, my time, energy and mental space have been freed up significantly so that I can focus my efforts on serving my clients at the highest level while growing my business.
I love that my VA is not only task-oriented; she is mission-driven and the way in which she shows up is aligned with my long-term vision and strategy. Not only does she support me, but she receives the support she needs from the entire team at BME. Above all else, I feel more energized, focused and productive; and given that we create our reality based on how we feel, the decision to add a BME VA to your team is unequivocally a wise investment.”