Video Content: 5 Proven Tips To Level-Up Your Content Marketing Strategy

Are you looking for a way to spice up your content marketing strategy? Do you feel like you’re pumping out a lot of content, but aren’t seeing the results you want? If so, then you might want to consider using video content in your marketing mix.

Video marketing is a powerful tool that can help you engage your audience, build trust and boost conversions. When used correctly, it can be an invaluable asset in your content marketing arsenal.

If you’ve been paying attention to marketing trends, you’d know that video content creation has become the new norm. We see it on social media, on websites, in ads and just about everywhere else. 

With so many videos out there in the content pool, how do you make sure that your videos stand out and get noticed by your target audience? 

Find out here in this article, and you’ll be able to take your video strategy to the next level and beyond.

Why is Video Content the Most Engaging Type of Media Content?

As consumers, we love to digest content in video form. From video blogs to video ads, video content is highly engaging and easy to consume. In fact, video is now the most popular type of content consumed online. 

There are several reasons why video content is so engaging. First, video is a very visual medium. We are hardwired to respond to visual stimuli, and video plays on this natural tendency.  

Second, video is a very effective way to tell a story. A good video can capture our attention and emotions in a way that written content simply cannot. 

Finally, video is highly shareable. In the age of social media, we are constantly looking for content that we can share with our friends and followers. Video is the perfect type of content to share online. 

So why is video content so engaging? There are several reasons, but it all boils down to the fact that video is a very visual and effective way to tell a story. And in the age of social media, we are always looking for content that we can share with our friends and followers.

Want to start marketing and advertising with video?

At Business Marketing Engine, we can do the hard work for you with our video production services. We will work with you to create engaging video content that tells your story and promotes your brand. 

Contact us today to get started!

Tips for Using Videos in Your Content Marketing Strategy

Video content creation may seem as easy as buying a video camera, shooting some footage and then sharing it with the world. However, there’s more to creating great video content than just pointing and shooting.

To create video content that will engage and resonate with viewers, it’s important to put some thought into what kind of videos you want to create, who your target audience is and what kind of message you want to communicate.

Here are five proven tips for creating video content that will grab attention and keep viewers coming back for more.

Stay Relevant

Your brand is only going to stick in your customers’ minds when you start consistently putting out video content that is relevant to them. This means creating important video content that appeals to their interests, values and desires and regularly putting it out there. 

This combination will help your target audience choose your brand first over the others in the market because you’ll be the only one regularly supplying them with video content that they want to see. Positive familiarity is key here.

video content, Video Content: 5 Proven Tips To Level-Up Your Content Marketing Strategy, Business Marketing EngineCreate Highly Engaging Videos

Not only do your videos have to be relevant to your audience, but they also need to be engaging as well. People are bombarded with video content everywhere they look, so if you want them to pay attention to yours, you need to make it worth their while.

This means creating video content that is interesting, entertaining and informative all at the same time. You can do this by coming up with creative video concepts, filming engaging footage and adding in some humor where appropriate.

Additionally, your videos need to be visually appealing and well-edited to keep viewers hooked from start to finish. If your videos are all over the place, chances are people will stop watching before they even get to the good stuff.

Incorporate Videos Into Your Blog Posts

Nobody likes a giant, intimidating wall of text. Adding a video (or two, or three) to your blog posts can help break up all that text and make your posts more appealing and readable.

Plus, videos help add some personality to your blog and make it more fun to read. People are more likely to remember a video they watched than they are to remember a long paragraph they read, so adding videos to your blog posts can actually help people remember your content better. Not only that, it creates a funnel for your video content. So if you have a video on YouTube that you want to promote, adding it to your blog is a great way to do so!

video content, Video Content: 5 Proven Tips To Level-Up Your Content Marketing Strategy, Business Marketing EnginePromote Your Videos on Social Media and Other Channels

Just as posting videos on your blog can boost your conversion rates and ROI, promoting your videos on social media and other video channels can also be very effective.

There are many ways to promote your videos, including:

  • Creating a video blog
  • Posting video previews on social media
  • Adding a video to your website or blog
  • Creating a video landing page
  • Using video ads
  • And more! 

Whether you decide to do social media video marketing or simply want to add videos to your website or landing pages, video promotion can be a great way to increase traffic to your video content and boost conversions.

Analyze the Results and Optimize

After you’ve promoted your videos, it’s important to analyze the results to see what’s working and what isn’t. You can do this by utilizing video analytics tools, which will show you things like how many people have watched your video, how long they watched it, and where they came from.

For example, if you see that most of the people who watch your videos are coming from social media, then you know that’s a good traffic source to focus on.

On the other hand, if you see that people aren’t watching your videos all the way through, then you know you need to work on making your video content more engaging.

Are Short Videos More Effective Today?

If you haven’t noticed already, many videos today have been getting shorter and shorter — think TikTok, Instagram Reels, and even YouTube videos. 

There’s a reason for this recent shift towards these types of videos, and it turns out that they can actually be more effective than longer videos in many ways. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why short videos are becoming more popular and how you can use them effectively.

One of the main reasons why short videos are becoming more popular is because people simply don’t have the attention span that they used to. In fact, studies have shown that the average human attention span has decreased to a mere just 8 seconds in recent years.

With our attention spans getting shorter and shorter, it’s no wonder that we prefer watching shorter videos over longer ones. Short videos are easier to digest and we can quickly get the information that we’re looking for without having to commit to a longer video.

Another reason why short videos are becoming more popular is that they are more shareable than longer videos. In today’s social media-driven world, people are more likely to share a short video that they found interesting or entertaining than a longer one. This is because shorter videos are easier to watch and share on the go, and they don’t take up as much time as a longer video would.

Short-Video Marketing Ideas

So, now that we know why short videos are becoming more popular, let’s take a look at some of the different types of short video ideas for marketing inspiration.

Brand Story

One popular type of short video is the brand story. These videos are usually around two to three minutes long and tell the story of the brand in an engaging and interesting way. They often include interviews with the founder or other key members of the team, as well as customers or fans of the brand. Brand stories are a great way to connect with your audience on a personal level and give them a behind-the-scenes look at your company.

video content, Video Content: 5 Proven Tips To Level-Up Your Content Marketing Strategy, Business Marketing Engine

Product Demo

Another popular type of short video is the product demo. These videos usually range from one to two minutes in length and show off the features and benefits of a particular product. Product demos are a great way to get people interested in what you’re selling, and they can be especially helpful if you’re launching a new product or service.

Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Finally, short videos can also be used to drive traffic to your website or blog. By including a call-to-action at the end of your video, you can encourage viewers to visit your site and learn more about what you have to offer.

So, is video content more effective today than they were in the past? The answer is a resounding yes! As a result of all these factors, businesses and organizations are increasingly using video to communicate with their audiences, and so can you.

If you need help building an optimized video marketing strategy, we’ve got your back.

At Business Marketing Engine, we specialize in helping businesses create and execute video marketing strategies that get results. We’ll work with you to understand your unique goals and target audience, and then develop a plan to produce videos that will help you achieve your objectives. 

Contact us today to get started!